Gymnastics for teenagers (13 to 16 years old) - Spring 2025
Gymnastics for teenagers (13 to 16 years old) - Spring 2025
!!! NEW !!!
Gymnastics for teenagers from 13 to 16 years old with or without experience.
This sector of activity is aimed at all children aged 18 months and over who practice a gymnastic sport in a recreational form. Whether for pure enjoyment or as an introduction to competition, participants can explore a wide range of classes with gymnastic movements as their common criterion.
Gymnastics for teenagers from 13 to 16 years old with or without experience.
Masson-Angers and Buckingham
Pre-requisite beginner 3-5 years old ** must have attended at least one session of the ladybugs or grasshoppers course.
Pre-requisite beginner 3-5 years old ** must have attended at least one session of the ladybugs or grasshoppers course.
Pre-requisite beginner 3-5 years old ** must have attended at least one session of the ladybugs or grasshoppers course.